In case you missed it...
Here is some of the information shared during our recent Curriculum Night. Teachers love sharing all they are creating for our wonderful students.
Have a question? Just reach out!
Our curriculum, in accordance with Montessori principles, is spiral. Subjects and topics appear in subsequent years, with more depth and abstract thought each time. Therefore, something studied at a basic level in childhood may reappear at an advanced level in Middle School. This allows the students to become more intensely familiar with the knowledge and make it truly their own.
// week of October 16th //
Check out some photos from our week-- working on launchers in STEM, filming depositions for our Christopher Columbus trial, and storyboarding for MTV class!
// The month in art, music, PE and more! //
// week of October 8 //
This week was a busy and exciting one in Middle School! Everyone returned after a long weekend, with half of our students coming back from China, so we eased back into the week on Tuesday with a community breakfast. 8th levels took the PSAT on Wednesday and then visited Calhoun high school on Thursday, so 6/7th levels spent some time working on projects and also learning about what it means to be a leader. Below is a short video we watched on Leadership-- not being in charge... but taking care of those in your charge.
// Silent Dance Party //
// week of the October 2nd //
What a great and busy week in Middle School! With half our team in China and MMUN and the other half of our students enjoying a 'week of fun,' we've got lots of great photos to share. Check them out!
// week of September 25 //
// week of September 18 //
// weeks of September 6 & 11 //
We've had a great start! A field trip to the MoMA and great projects getting started in DEL, the Humanities, STEM, Science and Art!
:: Important info for the week of 9/11 ::
Extracurriculars begin this MONDAY, Sept 18th!
(MMUN, Robotics & Media Mavericks before school, and all others after school)
There are still SO many weeks available for Linens & Flowers!
Please sign up for flowers & linens if you haven't already-- there are lots of weeks available beginning in September! Each family should sign up for 3 weeks. Thank you!
Welcome Middle School 2017/18!
7,646 unique visits // 22.6k page views
These are the stats from our first year-- pretty impressive! is THE spot to find out what's happening and when in our community. Check back often. New content is posted every Friday! Important links are ALWAYS available at the top of the page.
We're introducing a new lunch program at HPMS. Click below to sign up!
Program begins on Sept. 18th.
Please sign up for flowers & linens if you haven't already-- there are lots of weeks available beginning in September! Each family should sign up for 3 weeks. Thank you!
// May 2017 //
// Specials Roundup for March & April! //
Pre-Sale orders are now being taken for Moving On Ceremonies-- only $25!
This year we will be offering a pre-sale for the professional filming of our moving on ceremonies with 'Groupon rules.' Each days' ceremony MUST have at least 20 families buy in for the event to be professionally filmed and offered to parents. Buy yours now for $25. Films will be made available by mid-July.